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Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. Colossians 2:7

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Middle School

Thrive is the middle school youth program at Community of Hope. Our goal is to help middle schoolers thrive spiritually at church, school, home, and in life. The safety of our youth is a huge priority at Community of Hope. We have implemented a multi-layered safety policy for all of our programs. Any adult working with our students completes and passes a background check.

Sunday Morning Bible Study

Middle and high schoolers are invited to join us Sunday mornings for time in fellowship and learning about the Lord. Bible Study happens during the school year from September through May at 9 am before our worship service. Bible study pauses over the summer months. 

Sunday Youth Group (September through May)

Sundays are a fun time full of games, food, and activities. Nights are often themed. Past themes have been: Glow Night, BBQs, Duct Tape Night, Capture the Flag, Photo Scavenger hunts, service projects, and more! Around the holidays we like to do seasonal activities like going to the pumpkin patch in October, or heading to the Zoo Lights around Christmas. Youth group events are sometimes combined with our high school youth and sometimes separate.

Throughout the year we have additional fun traditions such as our annual White Elephant Christmas party, Blazer Games, and more!

Summer Youth Group (June through August)

Over the summer, we have youth group on Wednesday night. We start the summer activities with Tour de Fries, our French fry tasting event. Over the summer we have many campfires complete with s’mores and hot dogs. We play with water balloons and squirt guns. We have a volleyball court outside where we play games. We also have a time in God’s Word after dinner and before the games begin. These evenings are sometimes combined with our high school youth and sometimes separate.

Girls & Guys Nights

Quarterly we have girl’s nights for the middle and high school girls of Community of Hope! In the past we have painted pottery in Wilsonville. We have had a tea party with another church before, and we have had a sleepover movie night. These evenings are a great time to come together as the girls of the church (and their friends!). These evenings normally involve yummy food, fun activities and lots of laughter. There are also middle and high school guys nights including video game nights.


Note: The Kids & Youth choir is not currently meeting or practicing at this time.

Around Christmas and Easter time we have choir. Choir practices take place on Sunday mornings.  Christmas choir goes from the end of October through December. And Easter choir takes place around a month or two before Easter. Our choir is a children’s and youth choir from Kindergarten through high school. We have speaking parts and solos available to those who would like them! No try outs or experience necessary. The practices lead up to a performance a few weeks before Christmas and a week or two before Easter.

Confirmation Classes

We offer confirmation classes for middle and high schoolers. Confirmation is a time where kids are given an opportunity and a place where they can ask questions and take a deeper look at their Lutheran beliefs and faith.  When the classes are over they stand before their church family and confirm their faith and their responsibility in continuing to grow in their faith.  This is a rite of passage for older children taking steps into adulthood.

“I have sworn and I have confirmed it, that I will keep Your righteous ordinances.”  Psalm 119:106

Service Projects

The youth participate in several service projects throughout the year.  One project is called Blessing Bags.  The youth make bags full of soap, toothpaste, comb, band aids, safety pins, wipes, and more including a special prayer and note.  The congregation purchases these bags at cost and can hand them out to homeless people.  Another project the youth do throughout the year are called Flower Bombs.  They make bouquets of flowers and put them in mason jars.  Then put them in random locations around the city like outside Subway, Costco, Target, Wood Middle School, banks, etc., for people to find.  Each bouquet has a card that says: Yes I’m free!  Take me!  We also put John 3:16 on the back.  Our last service project is a weekend event called 30 Hour Famine.  The youth go without food for 30 hours and get donations for the organization, World Vision.  Throughout the weekend the youth participate in service projects, and learn about the poverty and hunger crisis in the world.

Health and Release Form

Youth attending events are required to fill out both sides of this health and release form below.  If they have friends attending events, the friends also need to fill out the form.  If youth will get dropped off or picked up by someone other than a parent or guardian, they need a note explaining this.  These rules are in correlation with our child and youth safety policy.

Download the form below:


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