You're invited to Worship with us!
8 am Morning Message & Prayer in Room E2
9 am Adult & Youth Bible Study Classes
10 am Worship Service & Kids Church

Welcome to HOPE! Thanks for taking the time to learn more about us.
You are welcome here, at whatever stage you may be in your life and faith. This is a place to bring your questions, needs or curiosity, regardless of your beliefs or background. Wherever you are in your faith journey, we want to help you deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ and follow him more faithfully as your Lord and Savior.
We have wonderful programs for children, youth, and adults.
When you come Sunday morning, you’ll find:
A casual atmosphere
Friendly faces and people who’ll help you find your way around
Energizing praise and worship with engaging teaching directly from the Bible
Amazing spaces for children and students and small groups for adults to meet new people.
As a church family, we are driven to care for people and needs in our community with God’s love and compassion. We believe Jesus is at work in us, as well as through us, to make a positive impact in our community, region, and world.
If you would like to learn more about our ministries please join us on any Sunday. If you have any questions or would like more information you can reach us directly at 503-682-8855.
I hope to see you soon!
In Christ,
Pastor John Foss
How long is the worship service and what happens?
The worship service lasts about an hour. After we sing several songs the children are invited forward for a short children’s message. Pastor then shares a message for today’s living from the Scriptures (about 25 minutes long) that applies God’s Word to our everyday lives.
What about communion?
We celebrate communion on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month at both services. Anyone with a humble and thankful heart for the Lord is invited to come forward and receive communion.
Do you take an offering?
The Sunday offering is an opportunity for members and regular attenders to give. As a guest, please do not feel an obligation to give anything; your attendance is gift enough. You can also donate online by clicking HERE.
What do kids do in worship?
Community of Hope offers a Sunday morning children’s ministry from September through May. We have one worship service at 10 am. About 15 minutes into the worship service there will be a children’s message, a time for kids to come forward for a few minutes to hear a special message designed for them. Then they can join their parents again, or kids are invited to head out for children’s ministry activities. Children from 3 years old through 5th grade participate in Kids Church Sunday School classes. Children under 3 years old have childcare available. During Kids Church they experience age-appropriate lessons using Bible stories, music, crafts, and games. Kids Church is open to all children at any stage in their Christian education. All of our volunteers and staff are trained and background checked.
What happens at Community of Hope from Memorial Day through Labor Day?
Over the summer join us from 9-9:45 am for breakfast. We have one worship service at 10 am. There is also childcare available.