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5 Things Christians Can Do During Quarantine

Updated: Jun 6

1) Pray We encourage you to spend some extra time in prayer during quarantine. Take time to cry out to the Lord and lift your prayers and petitions to Him. Need some ideas of what to pray for?

  • Your church

  • Your city

  • Your family

  • Your future

  • Fruit of the Spirit

  • The world

  • For God's light to shine in the darkness

2) Read the Bible Now is a great time to dedicate extra moments in your day to reading the Bible. The Bible is how God speaks to you! Pick a specific book of the Bible to study in depth. You can also check out the Bible study guides on the Community of Hope website and use those as inspiration to study a certain book.

3) Call friends & family members

Take time to encourage others. Pray for them over the phone. Have a Bible study time together over the phone or video call. Ask God who you can pour into and encourage today.

4) Listen to worship music Check out the COH favorite worship songs playlist here:

5) Make a gratitude journal/list 

It can be difficult to remain grateful during challenging times and seasons. But gratitude helps us to keep our eyes fixed on God's blessings instead of the difficulties. If you want to learn more about the importance of gratitude journaling, click here to check out the book 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp.

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