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3 Days of Prayer for 2024

What is 3 Days of Prayer?

Are you anxious about the new year and all it will bring? Do you wonder what is happening next in your life or in the world? There is no better way to start the new year than in prayer!

Set aside three days in January to spend focused time, refreshing your relationship with Jesus and your church body and family.  

These prayer days are to remind us that it is God who gives and sustains life.  We seek the Lord for guidance for the new year and for forgiveness for the things we allowed to separate us from Him and renewal of our strength to remain faithful to His callings.


Pray for 2024 - three days of prayer guide
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You’re invited to pray...

“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.” Ephesians 6:18


Prayer tips for the whole year

  • Keep a prayer journal. Write your prayers to help keep you focused during a time of prayer. You can also look back on your journal and see the ways God has answered your prayers.

  • Start the morning in prayer. Before you get out of bed, say good morning to God and thank Him for a new day ahead.

  • Pray with your spouse and/or kids before leaving for work or school, asking that God would bless their day.

  • Pray at each meal, thanking God for providing for your needs.

  • Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to pray throughout the day.

  • Pray with your kids/spouse before bedtime, thanking God for the day, asking forgiveness for your sins, and asking God to give good sleep.


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