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Monthly, Weekly, and Yearly events for Men and Women

It is our goal at Community of Hope to serve others and provide a place to connect with other believers while connecting with God.  We have many opportunities for adults to come together and connect and to serve our community and world.  If you are looking to connect with a group in fellowship and would like to get involved with adult ministry or would like to serve others in our community, we hope you visit our pages about adult classes, men & women’s ministry, worship volunteers, and choir.

What use is it, my dear family, if someone says they have faith when they don’t have works? Can faith save such a person? Supposing a brother or sister is without clothing, and is short even of daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; be warm, be full!’ – but doesn’t give them what their bodies need – what use is that? In the same way, faith, all by itself and without works, is dead.

James 2:14


Community Groups

We have various community groups that you can get involved with at Community of Hope. There are groups that meet weekly, bi-monthly, and monthly. Community groups provide opportunities to develop friendships, support and pray for one another, and go out into the community to serve others. Our community groups follow the same model of our mission statement: To Know Christ’s Love, To Grow in Christ’s Love, and To Go Out with Christ’s Love as we serve others. These groups strive to know the Lord better, grow in fellowship and community through getting to know one another, and then they go out and share the joy, strength, and love of the Lord with others.

Care Group

Caregiver and Grief Groups are groups that come together to support one another. These groups share the joys and struggles of being primary caregivers and or that of experiencing the loss of a loved one. Sharing is held in strict confidence by all members of the group and leader.

Prayer Ministry

Prayer is important to us at Community of Hope.


Our Prayer Chain consists of people who have a heart to pray for others. If you would like the prayer team to pray for you, or if you need to meet with a prayer minister, please contact us at or call our office at 503.682.8855. Prayer requests are kept in confidence and can be instigated with a call or email to the church, unless you are asking us to share it with the larger prayer community. You can email that team directly by sending your prayer request to

Bible Study Guides

We have Bible study guides created to help you get in God’s Word! These are great to use with your small group or family. Click the links below to be directed to the study guide page for that book of the Bible or sermon series.

We would love to have you join our community. For more information about any of our groups contact us at 503.682.8855.​


There are periodic Adult Bible Classes at Community of Hope.

Check out the Calendar page on the website for more information. 

Check out the links below to learn more from previous Adult Bible Classes. 

You can watch replays of some of the past adult Bible classes on YouTube below.

  • Click HERE to watch the replays of the Spring 2022 class “How to Share Your Faith”

  • Click HERE to watch the replays of the Fall 2022 class “Basic Lutheran Beliefs”

  • Click HERE to watch the replays of the Winter 2023 class “The Miracles in the Gospel of John”

  • Click HERE to watch the replays of the Spring 2023 class about the Holy Spirit

  • Click HERE to watch the replays of the Fall 2023 class about the Fruit of the Spirit

  • Click HERE to watch the replays of the Fall 2023 class about the End Times

  • Click HERE to check out more End Times Bible Class resources

  • Click HERE to watch the replays of the Spring 2024 class about Foundations of Christian Faith


Men’s Bible Study

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Galatians 6:2

The Men’s Bible Study is an informal gathering of men that meets on Saturday mornings.  We are a peer group led by the Holy Spirit. Our focus is to discuss practical applications from reading the Bible. We typically pick a book from the New Testament of the Bible and each week read a chapter then share and discuss with each other how it applies to our personal lives. There are no homework or reading assignments. 

Men’s Retreats

Once a year the men get together for a retreat at the beach. This weekend away includes worship, Bible study, and fun activities like golfing, hiking, and beach walks. This is a time of refreshment and community. 


Our Women’s Ministry focuses on using the gifts God has given us to bless the lives of others.  We have special events for the women’s group to come together in fellowship, as well as opportunities to serve and bless the lives of others.  We work in teams to coordinate our activities on a regular basis.  This shared burden helps us all feel connected and refreshed instead of worn out.


Be encouraged in heart and united in love, so you may have the full riches of complete understanding in order to know the mystery of God.

Colossians 2:2

Women of Hope

This facet of Women’s Ministries involves helping our families that are having an emergency and they need food delivered to them. We also provide help to people that are having to plan a funeral.

Spring Tea

One big event in Women’s Ministry is the Spring Tea. This annual event gives all of our ladies an opportunity to connect. Through the different generations this sharing of traditions of service makes this fellowship event all the sweeter. Tables are hosted and we welcome anyone who enjoys tea, treats, and good company!

Knitting Projects

We have teams that knit soft little caps for baby’s and bandages for the lepers we treat at our hospital in Tanzania. Another team creates gifts for the Clackamas County Foster children we sponsor to Royal Family Kids Camp every year.

New Member Luncheon

Regularly, as we welcome in new members, we create a luncheon in their honor. It is delightful to see friends come in one year as a new member and turn around the next year and help serve the New Members Luncheon!

Creative Faith Bible Journaling Workshops

Two to three times a year we have Bible journaling workshops where we learn how to creatively express our faith and learn new techniques.

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